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Teddy with family

My Forever Family.

Tony holding Wilson & Laura holding Teddy

Good morning Cathie, Teddy did great last night. We bought a pen that fit the small crate with his blanket, toys, water and a pee pad. He slept downstairs and slept through the night until I got up at 4:30 a.m. We took him out and he went to the bathroom. Looked like he held it from 10 p.m. until 4:30 a.m. which was pretty amazing. He was wound up and wanted to play after going to the bathroom. I did put him back in his crate and shut the light off but because heard me moving around upstairs he started barking. Tony and Wilson went downstairs with him at that point. I left the house at 5:30 a.m. hoping he would go back to sleep for Tony. Tonight will be the regular routine with Tony coming home at 2 a.m. so we'll see how that goes. I expect to take him out at 5:00 a.m. before I go to work and hope that he will settle into a routine and go back to sleep after I leave so Tony can sleep. I'm sure he will learn. He is an adorable boy and so well behaved. They were both tuckered out by 10 p.m. and it was amazing to see Wilson eat his food so quickly after he watch Teddy eat his. Teddy inhaled his food! Will keep you posted but overall we did well for night one! Take care and have a good day. Laura

9/10 Hi Cathie, Teddy is a love. He is so smart and is going to the bathroom outside with no problem. He is also adjusting to the night and day routine just fine. Wilson is good with him during the day but tends to get more territorial at night with our routine. Wilson would typically sit on the couch with me to watch a little TV before bedtime and he will not let Teddy up on the couch. If Teddy finds another place to get comfortable Wilson will be right on him. I did put Wilson on the other side of the gate last night for a few minutes when he was being aggressive and then let him back in and he seemed to settle in at that point. I do not want Teddy to feel left out so gave him lots of hugs and kisses before bed. I may use the water bottle approach you mentioned tonight if I see the same behavior. The night before Wilson was so tuckered out he fell asleep and I put Teddy up with us on the couch. Wilson moved over to him and they both fell asleep for awhile next to one another. I thought that was progress but last night was a bit of a setback. I am still very optimistic that they will get along fine. It is funny because Teddy is not a wall flower, he definitely will stand up for himself but has patience too. Very good boy! Will be back in touch in a few days. Thanks for all your support. Laura

9/13/ Hi Cathie, Things are going well. The boys are playing more together. They still butt heads at times but we are getting comfortable with knowing that is part of the process. Wilson was having accidents in the house "poop" but yesterday and today have been good so far. Think it might have been partly changing his food too quickly so we are back to giving him 50/50 of his food. Will check back with you on Monday but we are 95% sure that Teddy belongs with us. He's such a good boy and a great addition. Have a nice Sunday! Laura 9/14 Good morning Cathie, Tony and I are thrilled to say we would like to officially welcome Teddy to our home. He is a terrific pup and Wilson is learning a great deal from him and they are definitely more comfortable with each other. I will be in touch to share our experiences and photos as well. We will also make an appointment for him at our Vet's in the next couple of weeks. Let me know if there is anything else I need to do on this end. Thank you so much for entrusting Teddy to us and giving us an opportunity to see how Wilson adjusted. Have a terrific day! Laura

Teddy and Winston

10/7 Good morning, Just a quick snapshot to show the boys are beginning to share. All is going well and we are really happy to have Teddy as a part of our family. Hope all is well with you. Laura

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