
My Forever Family.
Hello Cathie, Stella is doing well and warming up to us. She is starting to follow us around a little bit and is curious about us. She even went and sat on Sherry's lap today on her own. When I came home from school, I sat down on the floor and she willingly came over to me for some pets. She slept in her own bed right next to ours last night, as she seemed more comfortable to have her own space. She did get up a couple times, as you mentioned she would. We are letting her take the lead on where she feels safest sleeping. She's had a few accidents, but we anticipated that and know it is common when you bring a dog into a new home and environment. We are not worried about it and I'm confident with positive praise and gentle re-direction we will work it all out. I've attached a picture from today. Would you like an update again tomorrow? Our plan this weekend is to just be home with her and let her get to know us. Thank you again for making the trip in the weather. We are just so thrilled to have Stella with us! Hope your ride home was okay.
Best, Leigh

3/7/15: Hi Cathie, Stella had a great night. She is still preferring her own bed, which is totally fine. She has a nice soft comfy bed right next to ours. Our friends are here for the day (the ones who we were dog sitting for.) Stella is amazing with them. She went to them for pets, let them pick her up and even sat next to one of them on the couch. She is doing great peeing on the pad, but still having trouble pooping there. We are working in it. She seems relaxed and comfortable. I've attached 2 more photos. We'll send you a photo of the three of us tomorrow.
Thanks! Leigh
3/8: Good Afternoon Cathie, Stella had a great night until about 3:30 am, when she got restless and paced around. I waited a bit to see if she would settle down. When she did not, I held her for a while and she seemed to like that. She went back to bed for a little while then started being restless and pacing again. I thought she might be hungry, so gave her a little bit of food, cuddled with her some more and that seemed to do the trick. She went back to bed after that. She seems to be doing just fine today. She is doing much better on her pads and seems relaxed. She enjoys being where we are and comes to us often for a pet or to be held. I've attached some more photos for you. We love her so much!
3/11: Hi Cathie, Stella had a great day! She slept through the night last night, had no accidents today, and enjoyed a car ride today to the beach. She is really enjoying going outside in the yard too! She is really relaxing. Now we are working on having her wear her harness, and will eventually work on walking on a leash. We'll get there. She has made remarkable progress so far! We will let you know how the vet appointment goes tomorrow and are hoping we can make her adoption final after that.
3?12: Stella was great at her vet appointment today! We just love her!! We can make the adoption final. Thank you for everything. Fondly, Leigh PS: The vet was very impressed with how organized and complete her paper work was.