
My Forever Family.
Hi Cathie,
We have had Oliver home for an hour and a half and so far it is going well. We took all of the kids for a walk and now he is napping (at the top of the picture) with the girls.
Marvin and Kreen
7/24/16: Hi Cathie, Of course we will keep you updated. He is settling in. He loves attention and will paw our arms to get it. He definitely prefers carpets. Our kitchen has tile floors and he was hesitant at first but is now moving around in the kitchen with more confidence. The dining room has a hardwood floor and he stops right at the threshold and treats that room as off limits. The rest of our home with the exception of the bathrooms are carpeted. The girls have been very accepting of their new brother. E love his coat. It is sooo soft and looks great. We have him scheduled for grooming with the girls in two weeks and we are not going to give him a puppy this first time and see how that goes.
Thanks again, Marvin & Kreen

7/26/16:Hi Cathie, Oliver continues to do well. He is becoming Kreen's little buddy! He comes to me also but he is definitely a Momma's boy. He has met our two grandsons. That went well. He snuggled between Kreen and the youngest. The boys are used to small dogs having been around Coco all of their lives. He has done all of his #2's outside yesterday and today so far! Marvin and Kreen 7/28/16: Yes, you can mark him as adopted! He is an awesome little guy and as you said, he is a very sweet boy! We know what you mean by the haircut. When we get him groomed next weekend we originally were going to leave his hair longer than we usually do for the girls, but now we are thinking of going shorter to try to get everything more symmetrical and then see what happens after that. As a minimum we would like his face and head to look more like Coco, whose picture we attached.
Thank you, Marvin and Kreen

8/24/16:Hi Cathie, Here is a phony of Oliver watching the Olympics. He is such a funny guy. Sometimes he makes a noise that almost sounds like a purr when he is getting scratched behind the ears! How are your newbies Rio and Lola doing? It really sucks that anyone could treat their dog like Lola was treated. We love the photo where just her head is peeking out from the blanket. Marvin and Kreen