
My Forever Family.
Hello, Cathie,
I couldn't resist this update.....after you left, Rufus settled into his bed with your blanket. Before he jumped in, I took his diaper off, had the pee pads down, and then he jumped into my lap. I pet him for a bit, didn't hold tight in case he wanted to be free, and he stayed on my lap. Then he settled into his bed. I went out for a little over an hour to Ocean State, picked up he new doggie palace, see photo attached, and well, there he is, calm, quiet, and I think a bit pooped from the day. He was calm as I came and went from the kitchen. He has not barked once.... I will update you again tomorrow and see how the night goes. I bought a pooch purse, looks just like a tote with netting and a zip closure on top. Can't wait to we are ready to use it. Cathie, thank you so much for all the wonderful information, tips, and especially your dedication and love to these needy innocent canine souls. Till tomorrow...... Kathy Clark
Hi, Cathie! Well, lil Rufus is a dream!!! Not a peep, stayed in his palace. He had BM on the pee pad overnight, but, I noticed he peed on the bed you provided. He did it twice, so I had to wash it. Yesterday after you left, we went out into the yard and he peed twice, gave treats and right back inside. Today I was up around 6:30am, and took him outside, peed like a good boy, lots of praise and treats. So, I am doing this every other hour. The second time out, he had a major BM outside, lots of pees as he sniffed around the yard. The little Pom upstairs is a male, and I think he goes in the grass outside so that helps little Rufus. The third time out, he went back to the same spots, and when he came back in, I put the diaper on and let him run in the house. He had a blast! So happy! Jumping into my lap and even gave kisses. He is at my feet most of the time, so after about an hour of play and investigating, we went out again, good boy, and back in for a rest, back to the kitchen. He does not bark!! Even when the kids upstairs trudged in! He's so laid back, but alert and super smart. I love him soooooo much! I cannot believe my luck Cathie! So, what is the name of the spray for his teeth? I am about to order his food online and the rose geranium, since we seem to be getting good at being on the leash for pees! Thanks for checking in and I will keep you posted on our progress! Kathy
Hi, Cathie, We are progressing nicely, moving in the right direction. He pooped twice outside yesterday and no poop on the pad overnight last night and went as soon as we got outside this morning. So, he seems to be holding it until we go out. At least, it seems that way. But, he is still missing the pads with his pee overnight. Seems to be marking in the same place (close to his second bed, near the radiator) even after I used a Clorox clean up. So, I need to address that somehow. One thing last night I noticed, though he may have done it the first night and I was too sound asleep to hear. A low moan, almost like he was going to 'mooooo" or even howl, but, he did it a couple of times. He was out of his crate, sitting by the barricade. He only did it a couple of times. Could be he heard the Pom upstairs, barking, for 2 hours straight at 3 am. He kept me awake. I don't know how they stand it, it must keep everyone up there awake. So, after he comes in from his major outing, I put the diaper on and let him roam around. Today, he was more tentative about coming into the living room. Dashed into the bathroom and my bedroom, jumped around for just 2 minutes and booked it back to the kitchen. I called him and he stayed in the kitchen. I went into the kitchen, he jumped up and I carried him into the living room and held him on my lap where he rolled on his back and let me pet his tummy and he fell asleep. But, then back to the kitchen and into his crate, rolling around. It's still his safe haven and I will let him take it slowly as he gets comfy with the space. I'll check in later!
Hi, Cathie, Still making progress. I forgot to tell you one of my girlfriends stopped by yesterday evening and he went right up to her, sniffed, wagged his tail. Very curious. He does not bark. But, he's alert, hears everything, yet calm, and collected.
We just came in from our evening walk around the yard. Good boy all around. He's getting used to going out often. No poops in the house since day one. Let him have run of the house with his diaper on, came into the bathroom while I showered, but, is still not fully comfortable coming into the living room unless I pick him up and put him on my lap. He stayed on my lap on his back for a full hour while I pet his tummy. He was on Cloud 10! CHat tomorrow. Hope all is well with you!
I'm not being too premature, I think we can say this is a done deal. He seems so happy. Soooo affectionate! He jumps in my lap, rubsI his face all over, rolling around in my lap. Giving more kisses. Still does not bark. Quiet last night. Eats so fast, he scares me. When I came home from work this morning, he had used the pads, pees only, missed, but always in the same spot. We were outside for a good 30 minutes, pees only. I stayed out long waiting for the poo, but, I guess he didn't have to do it. Came in, and fully expected him to poo indoors but he didn't. Just went out again after his dinner, and big poo outside. Good boy! Our routine is, right after his major poo outside, his nappy goes on and I give him run of the house. Slowly getting comfy. I'm not pushing him. Just allowing him to quietly sniff around. Keeps returning to home base, but, comes back into the dining room, living room to investigate. Thanks, again, Cathie. I'm so very happy with this little guy...... Kathy Clark