Snickers and Coconut

My Forever Family.
Hi Kerri! They are doing great! Snickers has had a few accidents but it's not a big deal. I am hoping once he totally settles in, that will stop. He is afraid of thunder and sudden noises but overall I think he is doing really well. He reminds me a bit of my Sammi. Coconut totally goes with the flow and is a love. The real test will be next week as we get back into a regular routine. I am hoping they will adjust to the rhythm of our life. I will let you know how they do. They are eating well. I gave Coconut a little more food than Snickers. They don't seem to be hungry but I will keep an eye on that. We are enjoying them!

Update: Hi Kerri! I just wanted to let you know that the boys are doing great! They have adjusted well and are very loved. We have decided, without any reservations, that we would like to keep them. They are great dogs and every time I think about Linda my heart breaks for her. If she reaches out to you, please let her know that we will take very good care of Snickers and Coconut and they will be so loved. Please let me know if there is anything else that we need to do to complete the adoption process.